I’d love to work in something, well ANYTHING, to do with community arts. Or charity/community work. Or just the arts. Or maybe media. My very unexpected graduation present from my lovely lovely parents was a DSLR. The Canon EOS 450d is a fantastic camera and has been/will be accompanying me almosteverywhere I go now. I’ve been interested in photography for years but this has cranked my enthusiasm up a notch. Being a professional photographer sounds highly appealing, though I have a lot to learn. So for now it’s a hobby I enjoy. With my heart set on community/charity/arts/media work, hopefully I’ll be able to incorporate some happy snapping into my job one day.
Or maybe I’ll wake up tomorrow to find a vacancy for an apprentice photographer at a leading newspaper.
“Hope is the dream of a waking man” - Aristotle
I feel the same way - working in the arts is so full-filling, although I've always been wary of the pay. I always feel a little discourage that the two things I'm best at - teaching and the arts - usually pay the least.